Dreamscape: Metamorphose

NFT 的奢華服裝秀



將客戶提供的平面服裝設計素材製作成 3D 素材,並加入場景、人物、燈光等元素,讓原先平面的服裝可以立體成模特兒實際虛擬穿搭。  

Synopsis: 'Dreamscape: Metamorphose' is inspired by my dream - one where my body morphed into a mythological beast, trapped in a continuum I can never escape from. The collection of body accessories fused fearsome monsters with fantastic eroticism to craft an erotic attire for the virtual world.

Derived visual aesthetics from ancient mythical beasts, imageries of distorted bodies and thin-toothed tools to define the haunting look. Bones and animal claws formed the shapes that evoked animalistic sensuality; with pieces bound in chains and door knocker detailings to heighten the sense of submission.

Made with jade, the material's subtle, translucent qualities lent a poetic, luxurious tone and added a mystical aura to the collection.

客戶 Cady Lee / FabriX - The Digital Fashion Initiative of Hong Kong
導演 Cady Lee / José @ itchycreation
類型 3D / NFT 影像製作 / NFT 素材製作 / 創意構想